Dinesh D’souza Hosts Speech On Capitalism

Dinesh D’souza

Dinesh D’souza’s lecture was a lecture to remember.

Both students and faculty were invited Monday afternoon to attend D’souza’s lecture that took place in the Roland Hayes auditorium. He lectured about how America has benefited from capitalism and free markets. He also brought up the question of whether or not capitalism is moral. After the lecture he opened the floor to some questions.

When asked about aspects of capitalism and about the opportunities capitalism has provided, D’souza said the following:

“…come to America, and live the kind of life that America makes possible here… I would pay five times as much. So… what that tells me… is that the world market being an American citizen, forget about the basket of free stuff that America… the ability to be what you want and do what you want with your life, that everyone has in this country; black, white, brown, male, female, gay, whatever, everyone has that ability. That’s worth more than ten bucks.”

D’souza was well received by some, but strongly opposed by others. Despite students trying to stump D’souza, their attempts failed. D’souza is continuing his tour throughout the month.

About Joshua Johns

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Mocs News Sept 20, 2024

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