Mike Andrews, David Tuggle, Jason DeSain, Chancellor Steve Angle, Corey McGraw, Officer Lacy Bobo, Corporal John West, and Ruey Rhodes, from left, pose for a photo after the Blue Ribbon Awards luncheon Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 in the Chickamauga Room of the University Center.

Blue Ribbon Awards Given

UTC honored faculty and staff for going the extra mile.

The chancellor’s blue ribbon award is given to UTC’s faculty and staff to show appreciation for all their hard work. There is a winner for each month decided by a committee appointed by the chancellor.

Mike Andrews, David Tuggle, Jason DeSain, Chancellor Steve Angle, Corey McGraw, Officer Lacy Bobo, Corporal John West, and Ruey Rhodes, from left, pose for a photo after the Blue Ribbon Awards luncheon Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 in the Chickamauga Room of the University Center.


The recipients of the 2017 blue ribbons were honored on Tuesday. The honorees received recognition for their work and a plaque to commemorate their hard work.

Lacy Bobo, who is a member of the UTC police department had this to say about the award:

“You know it’s a validation that I am doing my job correctly. This is basically what I am supposed to be doing anyway, and it’s letting me know that the public is receiving my efforts and appreciating what I am doing and I am fulfilling the promises I made when I was getting hired for this job.”

If you have a faculty or staff member who you think deserves to be considered then send your nominations to Melanie Sadler at melanie-sadler@utc.edu.

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