SGA Announces Campus Forum


Every student wants two things when they come to college – a good education and a safe community to live, learn, and grow. On Wednesday, there was an incident involving a report of a suspect approaching Campus with a rifle. Police responded swiftly and without hesitation. We cannot thank our first responders enough. However, we want to use this as a learning experience moving forward.

Our entire executive team, and fellow members of the student government association will be working closely with the UTC Administration to make sure that we are prepared to move forward for whatever comes our way. We plan to discuss a more informative notification system, and a plan of action for communicating and responding to campus safety issues that will benefit our student body to ensure we are safe and secure.

SGA President Stan Settles talks to Mocs News’ Stan Settles

SGA remains committed to making UTC a better place for all students and we are determined to help provide them with a safe community. We look forward to working with administrators, faculty, staff, and all of our fellow students to make this happen. In a tough situation, we were able to see first responders and our UTC administration work together to make sure students were safe at the end of the day. Thank you to the UT Chattanooga Police Department, Chattanooga Police Department, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office for responding swiftly during this incident.

SGA will be holding a forum on Campus Safety alongside UTC administration at the beginning of our next regularly scheduled Senate meeting. This meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 5:00 the University Center, Raccoon Mountain Room. We encourage all students to attend this forum to discuss ideas and concerns on ways that can ensure Campus Safety moving forward. In addition, the Office of Student Outreach and Support (423-425-2299) and the Counseling Center (423-425-4438) are available to anyone who needs it. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to them.


SGA Executive Team

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