Service Day Kicks Off 2017 Homecoming Week

Service Day kicked off Homecoming Week with volunteers helping spruce up the campus.

Participating students were able to help around campus by washing campus vehicles, picking up litter, and helping with planting and landscaping around buildings.

After lunch, UTC alumni joined students on Service Day.

“We had several alumni when the e-mails were sent out,” says Alexis Hurley, vice assistant director for campus involvement. “…reach back out saying how excited they were to come back to campus and contribute to a place that essentially gave them something.”

The alumni helped students finish their day with service projects for the Chattanooga community by using t-shirts to create toys for dogs at the humane society and filling blessing bags for the salvation army to hand out to the homeless.

“We have representatives from different organizations here,” says top Moc contender Noble Langley Orie. “Not even just homecoming court committee people, which is really nice that we actually have fraternities, sororities, and just other organizations, and a different student body coming out. Those were a lot more people than I thought it was gonna be.”

About Joshua Johns

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