What UTC Has Done for Diversity and Inclusion

Chattanooga, TN: The University prides itself on being the most diverse and inclusive school in Chattanooga, staying committed to the image that the university has established is a priority.

Many universities and school systems have faced backlash from systematic racism. UTC has worked to ensure its members are treated fairly in these systems.

Students that face systematic racism are affected in how they view the system and the procedures regarding that system.

The university stated in the Diversity Plan from the Department of Communication,

“Strive to foster an understanding of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and, as appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communications,” UTC stated. “Continue to recruit and retain minority and underrepresented student groups and provide a supportive and inclusive environment for students to learn and express themselves intellectually and creatively.”

Within the plan, the university discussed the values of the university and the way they plan will encourage equality. The university made efforts in hiring a Chancellor for Diversity and inclusion, whose efforts have encouraged engagement.

Students Engaging: Property of UTC Echo

Stacy Lightfoot UTC Chancellor of Diversity and Inclusion gave insight into what the university has planned for students.

“UTC is currently creating an enrollment management plan aimed to increase enrollment and success of students on campus. The approaches utilized to increase enrollment students of color will increase enrollment for students overall: Partnership with high schools and community-based organizations, Peer recruitment, Pre-college summer programs, Counselor visit programs, Partnership and pathways with community colleges.”

UTC has many clubs, organizations, and events that are specifically tailored to people of color with the university. These clubs, organizations, and activities have helped students be involved with communities in Chattanooga.

Senior and member of AKA, Victoria Turner talked about her experience while attending UTC.

“I feel the school does a good job of understanding that there need to be more activities for cultural students and with that, we are able to have events to get others involved.”

Students Working UTC Events: Property of UTC Echo

Chattanooga’s communities and the involvement of the university have also brought diversity. Bringing diverse groups into the community helps the university with its communications.

The events and activities offered have also given the university the opportunity to engage with students and gain feedback. This helps with the communication of how the organizations are doing in student engagement.

Chris Bridger, Event Staff Coordinator for the Office of Student and Family Engagement talked about his first year within UTC.

“I think there is a good amount of organizations that give opportunities to our students but staying involved and understanding each student’s need is key.”

The university has accomplished and strived for diversity and equality for its students, faculty, and employees. This is so each member of UTC does not face discrimination and is given fair opportunities.

About Regina Baker

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Mocs News Oct 18, 2024

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