UTC Reduces Carbon Footprint

By Bailey Tate

CHATTANOOGA, TENN (mocsnews.com)- UTC is pushing to reduce their carbon footprint when it comes to transportation for UTC students, faculty and staff. UTC has even gone as far to partner with the Chattanooga Bike Share Company to offer their students and faculty a more energy-efficient alternative to transportation. Students who live on campus have the option of walking to class due to the convenience of where they live. Although a majority of UTC students utilize the dorms on campus, some students choose to live off campus, forcing them to commute for classes.

Students can carpool and also use the shuttle service that are provided by UTC to make getting to campus easier. Students who drive to campus to attend class must purchase a parking permit in order to park in the lots owned by UTC to avoid overcrowding and accidents. Some alternatives to transportation that students at UTC utilize includes: bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, quad/inline skates, and even scooters. By choosing these alternative routes of transportation, you can reduce your personal carbon footprint and even make a positive global impact.

College students all around the world are utilizing different modes of transportation according to  OutScholar Resource Guide for Student Life. By choosing a different route for getting to campus, you not only can  help save the environment but you can also gain physical benefits as well. It has been shown that students who skate to class not only burn off extra energy, but also build muscles and reduces stress. With roller skating making a comeback since the 70’s disco era ,there’s no better time to join the skating revival and reduce your carbon footprint while you’re at it.

Girl roller skating to class.

About Bailey Tate

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