CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee- One of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s sororities held a week of fundraising and events to raise awareness against child abuse. The UTC sorority, Kappa Delta, raised over $33,900 during their annual Shamrock Week. Shamrock Week is a week-long event where a series of socials, fundraisers, and other gatherings are hosted. During this week, all funds raised through ticket sales or donations are donated directly to Prevent Child Abuse America and locally, The Children’s Advocacy Center of Hamilton County.

Kappa Delta’s national philanthropy is Prevent Child Abuse America. Since 1981 Kappa Delta chapters across the nation dedicate an elaborately planned out week of fundraising events to this great foundation. UTC’s chapter of Kappa Delta, Beta Kappa, especially prides itself on its philanthropy work. Vice President of Public Relations, Hannah Moye, expressed her feelings about child abuse, stating, “Abuse robs children of their self-worth, Kappa Delta makes it our mission to bring the children affected hope by financially supporting our local and national organizations.” Eighty percent of funds raised stay local and are donated to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Hamilton County. The remaining funds are donated to Prevent Child Abuse America, which is the leading advocate for neglect in children nationally.
This year, Beta Kappa held three ticketed events during their Shamrock Week. They hosted a pancake dinner, a cookout at the Kappa Delta House, and their ever so popular flag football tournament. The Pancake dinner was held on Monday. The UTC community was invited to visit from 7 to 10 pm to have pancakes and karaoke. To continue this time of comradery and fellowship, on Friday a flag football tournament was held where all greek and non-greek communities were invited to make a team. The winning team gained not only points in the standings (donations and event participation are the main driving factors of these points), but they also got to put on an entertaining show for all in attendance. Everyone in the community was welcomed to the Kappa Delta House for walking tacos and no-bake ice cream. As well as the two main events, Kappa Delta women held booths in the University Center daily where raffle tickets, bracelets, and t-shirts were sold.

Kappa Delta’s across the country eagerly await the start of their chapters Shamrock Week to kick start their philanthropy funding. The fun and fulfillment experienced by all who participate can be highlighted in UTC’s Kappa Delta presidents Zoe Aebie’s own words, she shares, “seeing everyone come together and work within our community to raise money for such an incredible cause is extremely special to us”. You can also see the buzz this week of events generates from those not directly in UTC’s Kappa Delta sorority. Marvin Spencer, a Chemistry major and graduating 2020 senior, attended his first greek affiliated events at UTC this year by coming to all three major events of Shamrock week. He described the warmth and open-armed acceptance at these events was off the charts. He also mentioned that knowing his ticket money and all donations went to such amazing organizations made these events that much more impactful to him and all those that attended.